Commercial Guest House, Albion Street - The lodgings for Jericho on his return to Bletchley under the watchful eye of Mrs Armstrong. Here he hides the stolen intercepts.
"Its owner, Mrs Ethel Armstong, was, like her establishment, a little over fifty years old, solidly built, with a forbidding, late Victorian aspect."
Claire's Cottage - Cold, cramped and small, but home of Claire and her lodger Hester.
"There was only one key - ornate and iron and big enough to fit a cathedral."
Parish Church of St Mary - standing on the north-east side of the town, the church is where Jericho and Hester meet to discuss the disappearance of Claire and share the information they have gathered.
"...eight solid centuries of hard white stone and Christian piety..."
FilmQuorn Station, Leceistershire - The Great Central Railway played the part of Bletchley station and railway for the scenes between Jericho and Claire and Puck's departure. For photos from the filming visit the Quorn Village website.